Our Weekend Getaway to Savannah - Perfectly Ambitious

Our Weekend Getaway to Savannah

6:00:00 PM

Things have been so hectic lately, between my doctors appointments and my husbands work and school, we really just needed to take a moment to getaway and relax!

It was kind of a last minute decision, but I'm so glad that we made it! Savannah, Georgia is my favorite place to visit. I went there once on the way home from a trip with my best friend and her family, and now I always make sure we stop there on the way home from any other trip we go on.

Now that we live in Alabama, Savannah is four hours away, but it was definitely worth the trip! We left around 8:30 am CST, picked up some food, and arrived at approximately 2:00 pm EST.

My husband and I are definitely creatures of habit! Every single time that we visit, we always take Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard down to River Street. We have two must visit places, but we always checkout all the shops anyways!

When we first arrived we went to our first must visit place, One-Eyed Lizzy's. I got the chicken fingers and french fries, and my husband got the grouper rueben. Both were great, not that I could focus on my lunch though. I was too busy thinking about dessert :) I don't know how it is where you live, but I only have access to churros if I visit a theme park, so when I saw them on the menu I got super excited! We didn't expect all the extra stuff, but we were so glad it came.

After we ate, we started making our way down River Street. We love making our way through all of the little stores! Many of them sell the same souvenirs, but there's always something unique about each shop. We made our first purchase in Bob's Your Uncle/Frannie's Your Aunt. There was a little section of books, and The Line caught my eye. I know. I know. Don't judge a book by its cover. But really, who doesn't?! Anyways, I went ahead and read the back and I knew it was my kind of book! It actually reminded me of the book series I'm hoping to write. It wasn't until I started writing this blog post that I noticed my book is actually signed by the author, J.D. Horn! Even better, I only spent $7.99 on the book! I can't wait to start reading this one and I'll make sure to write a review for all of you!

While looking through Simply Savannah, we found this beautiful ornament, but of course when we flipped it over it was way more than we wanted to spend. So, we kept looking around the store until we found one in our budget. As a military family, we move around a lot! As a way to remember everywhere we've lived so far, we began collecting Christmas tree ornaments. Eventually our little tradition also evolved to each of our trips! We've now got an ornament from Charleston, South Carolina; Niagara Falls, Canada; and Savannah, Georgia. We will eventually be adding an Auburn, Alabama ornament, but we haven't found one just yet!

We've always gone into Cassandra's Jewelry Imports, but this visit was much different! During all of my past visits, I always admired the work but ultimately didn't agree with the prices. It wasn't until I started my own handmade shop, Charmed by Simplicity, that I realized how much time it takes to create a handmade piece and how much they're actually worth! A majority of the pieces were still too expensive for my budget, but I wanted to support another maker. I had noticed some wire wrapped sea glass necklaces earlier, but I couldn't find any neutral color pieces. A few moments later, the shop owner pointed out a wall full of 50% off jewelry. Little did I know, the exact thing I wanted was up on that wall! I was able to get it for $29.00 and half off dropped the price to $14.50!

After finding all of these great deals for myself, I asked my husband what he wanted to get out of this trip. He isn't too big into souvenirs and he usually doesn't buy things for himself either. According to him, all he wanted was candy. So when we walked into True Grits, a store with military products, I knew we'd be able to find him something. He of course pointed out a giant cement Navy logo, that wouldn't match anything in our apartment, so I quickly turned that down. However, we were able to find him a nice Navy shirt! He didn't like it at first, but it started to grow on him once he saw the officer crest. I can't believe we're almost done with the first year of his officer program!

Our second must visit stop is River Street Sweets! Since we decide to make the trip yesterday, all my husband could think about was stopping by and getting some candy. We have visited this shop every single time we make a trip to Savannah. We normally go way overboard too! So, this time I made sure my husband only filled the bag with what he knew he could eat. I normally fill up a bag too, but I decided that I would much rather have ice cream this time. Unfortunately, they didn't have my favorite flavor. So we just paid for his candy and kept moving.

A little bit down the street, I saw the sign for Colombo Ice Cream and Yogurt. I was excited to find out they had my mint chocolate chip ice cream! We had already been walking for about an hour now and I really needed something cold. One of the very few things I dislike about Savannah is the heat. We paid for my ice cream and grabbed a seat outside. My favorite thing about River Street is exactly what it's named for. The street is facing the river! We were able to watch boats, dinner cruises, and cargo ships pass by. We listened to the street performers and tried to avoid the large groups of people doing the St. Patrick's Day bar crawl.

As I mentioned in my post "Emotional Hoarding and Purging My Closet," I got rid of quite a lot of clothing! As we were walking through all of the small shops, I decided that I wanted to get a nice long sleeve shirt, but I found that many were way too expensive. When we walked up to Land and Sea Wear, I couldn't help but notice all of the 50% off signs! I proceeded to look through the racks and came across the perfect shirt! Unfortunately, there wasn't a price tag. I went ahead and grabbed it and continued to look through the store. I didn't get my hopes up, as it could still be more than I wanted to spend. Once I was finished looking, I went up and asked how much the shirt was. I was beyond excited when she said $13.95! If they didn't all say Savannah, GA on them, I would have picked up one in every color and design!

After a few more shops, we wandered into Earthbound Trading Co. I immediately fell in love! Since I started my shop, I've really gotten into the meaning of crystals and this place got that! They had prepackaged stones for good luck, healing, and more. They had gemstone jewelry, dreamcatchers, and bohemian clothing. I couldn't help but want to get one of everything and send them to the wonderful ladies I've met in our handmade Instagram community. There were so many things that I wanted for myself too! I couldn't stop staring at this beautiful salt lamp. I also wanted to pick up some of their books, especially this one about dreams and this one about crystals. I decided to leave those for another time, but I did pick up a beautiful necklace!

Overall, we had a wonderful trip! As usual Savannah did not disappoint! I'm pretty proud of myself for getting out and doing all that walking. I know my body wasn't fond of it, but I'm happy that I was able to push through the pain and enjoy one of my favorite cities. I worry about the day that I won't be able to do that, but for now I just have to enjoy this wonderful memory!

* I apologize for the crappy photos. I forgot to bring my camera, so I had to use my phone, and hotel lighting isn't very good :( *

Where are you doing this spring break?

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  1. I absolutely LOVE River Street Sweets! Looks like y'all had so much fun in Savannah!

    1. Me too! We definitely did! What's your favorite spot in Savannah?

  2. I've inmy been once but river street sweets is always a must!! I want to go back so bad, it's so beautiful.
    Keep Sparkling✨
    Sparkling Southerner
    Find me at : Instagram

    1. Yes it is! You should definitely go back! I can't even count how many times we've gone 😀
